How do I contact the Lakeside Homeowners' Association?
If you need to contact us, please feel free to call the appropriate board member or committee member listed in the directory directly. You can also email
When does the Association have meetings?
The Association has an annual membership meeting in August. A letter with the time and location is mailed to each member in July. The Association’s Board of Directors meets monthly except for December. If you have any business that you would like to bring to the board, contact our President, Secretary or send an email to the website
How do I get access to the secure areas of the Lakeside Web Site?
Some areas of the Lakeside can only be accessed by residents. Email if you need login information or assistance.
I'm interested in making Lakeside better. How can I help?
Lakeside always needs volunteers to help. Over the past several years the association has had to contract out or discontinue activities that were previously performed by volunteers. Contact one of the committee chairs if you have an interest in a particular activity. The Lakeside Board of Directors typically has vacancies that are filled in August. Contact the President or Secretary if you are interested in serving.
Who do I contact if my street light isn't working properly?
The street lights are maintained by Entergy. If you are experiencing problems call Entergy 800-9OUTAGE (1-800-968-8243) or submit the request Online at Entergy’s web site.
Who do I contact if I am planning an addition or a new fence?
According to the subdivision restrictions, “No building, fence, wall or other structure shall be commenced, erected or maintained upon the properties, nor shall any exterior addition to or change or alteration Thereon be made until the plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, heights, materials and location or the same shall have been submitted to and approved in writing as to harmony of external design and location in relation to surrounding structures and topography by an Architectural Control Committee”. Please contact the Architectural Control Committee or for more information.
How do I get a copy of the Lakeside restrictions?
Normally you should get subdivision restrictions at the closing. You can also view and download a copy on the Residents page.
Why does Lakeside have a security patrol?
Lakeside and two of the three adjoining subdivisions compensate Sheriff’s deputies to provide a total of eight hours of extra duty coverage each week for our neighborhoods. We employ these deputies to provide a regular visual presence in our neighborhood. We encourage the deputies to stagger their shifts in order to provide the optimum presence. They patrol throughout the subdivisions and park in highly visible locations during their patrol times. We feel that this presence provides a deterrent to criminal activity in our neighborhood.
Who do I contact if I see suspicious or criminal behavior?
In the event that you see or are affected by any criminal activity in our neighborhood, please call the East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s office directly. The number to Burbank substation is 389-5511. The number to our communications center is 389-5000. Any type of crime or complaint that has already occurred can be called in either number. The emergency number, 911, should be used for any type of crime in progress or for other emergency assistance that is needed. All calls for service are dispatched out of the communications center located at the EOC building on Harding Blvd. A Deputy will respond to every call that is received either via 911 or communications. The caller can remain anonymous if they wish or can be contacted by the responding Deputy.
What should we do if we leave on vacation?
If you plan to be away, please make arrangements to have your newspaper and mail collected, or for delivery to be suspended. Let neighbors know that you will be away and how you can be contacted in an emergency (or if you have a false alarm on your security system). You can also notify the Security Patrol by email( ) that you are going on vacation. They we will be glad to conduct a vacation check of your residence each day. They will need the following information; 1. dates you will be out of town 2. will anyone be staying at the residence or coming by 3. do you have someone picking up mail and or newspaper.
Who do I contact about a stray dog or cat?
Contact Animal Control by phone at 774-7700 during normal office hours. After Hours before 11 p.m. at night, call 389-2070 and give your name address and phone number. After 11 p.m. at night, call the Sheriff’s Office 389-5000. Animal Control Officers are on duty. If you have an emergency, call 911. If the animal is obviously a lost pet and you have it in your control, You can send out message to Lakeside and the neighboring neighborhoods via Nextdoor Social Website There is also a Facebook page for lost pets in the area Baton Rouge Lost Pets Facebook Page
My pet is missing what should I do?
Call the Animal Control & Rescue Center during normal business hours as soon as you notice your pet is missing. Posting a message and a picture of your missing pet on the Nextdoor Social Website and the Baton Rouge Lost Pets Facebook Page is the most efficient way to get the message out that your pet is missing.
A barking dog in our neighborhood is keeping us up at night. Who do we call?
If barking dogs are a problem in the neighborhood, we suggest the neighborly approach as a good place to start. Maybe the dog’s owner isn’t aware that the dog is a problem to others. You can also contact the Lakeside Grievance Committee who will notify the owner. If the neighborly approach fails, you must write a letter to EBR Animal Control describing the problem, giving as much detail as possible. When they receive the letter, they will dispatch an officer to discuss the problem with the dog’s owner. A warning notice will be left to document the visit. If the dog continues to bark, and you make another complaint within 15 days, the owner will receive a summons. Be aware that, according to the definition used in the law, nuisance barking or noise-making must be excessive before a summons will be issued.
What are the scheduled collection times for recycle and garbage?
Garbage and recycling carts must be placed at the curb by 5 a.m. and recycling collection begins at 4 a.m. on the scheduled service day. The garbage cart is collected on Mondays and Thursdays. Recycling, lawn waste and other items are collected on Thursdays. Large items for garbage are collected with the Thursday collection. Carts should be removed from the street in a timely manner.
What is the schedule for recycle and trash pickup on holidays?
Garbage and recycling collection observes three holidays: Thanksgiving, Christmas Day & New Years Day. If garbage or recycling collection falls on these days, the collection will happen over the two following days. Leave the collection bins at the street until service have been provided.
What items can be placed in garbage bin for collection?
Bagged household garbage including food waste and trash. No household hazardous waste (paint, chemicals, thinner, batteries, electronics). Cart lids must be closed, overflowing carts will not be collected, and move any vehicles blocking the street on collection day.
What if my house is missed by the collection trucks?
Residents should call 311 to report missed garbage, trash, or recycling collection.
What can I put in my recycle cart?
Newspaper, magazines, scrap paper, junk mail, newspaper inserts, phone books, cardboard, glass, plastics with a 1 – 7 inside the recycle arrow, milk cartons, juice boxes, detergent refill containers, aluminum cans, tin cans, steel cans, bi-metal cans and metal lids.
Can I recycle large corrugated boxes?
Yes, large corrugated boxes can be flattened and placed on the ground next to your recycling cart. This includes very large boxes, such as, appliance boxes. Remove any packing materials, Styrofoam and straps.
How do I dispose of paint, batteries, motor oil , propane tanks or other hazardous materials?
These materials are considered household hazards and must be disposed of properly. Check the DPW web page to learn more about proper disposal. Hazardous waste collection days are scheduled several times a year at various points.
When was Lakeside founded?
The Declaration of Restictions and Covenents was filed in 1979. Lakeside Homeowners Association was incorporated in 1984.
What are the HOA Dues?
The dues are currently $250/year. Payment is due on January 1 of each year.
When are the fountains on?
The Lakeside fountains are on a schedule. Fountain Hours of Operation, Mon-Sat – 10:00am – 1:00pm, 5:00pm – 8:00pm, Sun – 4:00pm – 8:00pm
How deep are the lakes?
The lower lake is about 5-10 feet deep. The upper lake was said to be 30-40 feet deep with a car submerged that was used for rescue training. It appears that over time the depth of the upper lake has decreased significantly.
Who is allowed to fish in the lakes?
Access to the lakes, while is not physically restricted, is intended only for the residents of Lakeside.
Does Lakeside have a Facebook or other social page?
While Lakeside does not have Facebook page, we encourage residents to use the nextdoor social network. Nextdoor does allow you to use your Facebook login.